Saturday, June 27, 2015

Once you start you can never go back.


love live!! // 6/27/15 // Saturday News //  Morning Edition                                                                                                                                   ♥♡Love Live!♡♥ \( ̄▽ ̄)/School Idol Hell  

Once you start you can never go back. 


a) Love this. ANDY BIERSACK with his cat. 

b) Emo Is Black #2

c) on // ♪ jυℓєs ♪ • 5 days ago //
on <--- I never been to this site before... maybe some of you out there have, but I ain’t! Well, not yet!!

d) dude, best cosplay for Batman I have seen in a long while! 
Apparently, Batman is a sucky ass voilent down trodden ass comic fandom - especially due to the shooting. It's hard to express why people like me would be drawn to it though and maybe I could express it for later on why somebody like me would hang on to it still after all that has transpired between me and this person. However, she might not be like me because I do look for behavioral patterns not just in others around me but also I look for them in myself because I am always trying to improve myself the best way I know how. And well even as forbidden as emo and Batman is, and me getting roasted more than a roasted peanut- I still find myself going back to Batman only, not thinking of the coincidences of posting it up and probably one of the very few occassions me not feeling ashamed, scared, afraid but feeling probably more wholesome inside than really 'free to do just anything.' I look at it as a block, or another link to just make me into a human being.. I have no idea who this makes sense to, and this would probably be the first time Ireally do not care who or if anyone cares or understands me about why I connect so much with Batman right now though. 

e)  "Is this a real band? Cause they look like they stink from not showering and made up like Poison died and came back from the dead. Kh" - says the hater about one of my favorite bands..- and well haters are gonna hate, so I told Ms Cassidy (I will only use her first name for privacy and personal reasons) 

"u could be under a spell tho..." cause she could be right now, lol, and not understand or know the errors of her ways for right now... but hey, this is all for fun.. and I am just goofing off! lol
Also, I think maybe a few times I been on but it was like a long ass time ago or whatever because I think I had even made it official to make a account with them and stuff, and but it just never took off and/or it just never did go no where. I wonder how manyof u's use the site, and well it must be a lot cause I just come across the name a lot, so I don't know... after all I'm just asking... X) lol...

 (lol... i can has cheeze burger?)
Verb: The action of using bad grammar on purpose regardless of knowing the proper usage.

This is often done in an attempt to be more heartwarming or cute.)

This is often done in an attempt to be more heartwarming or cute.
Boy: Remember, my dad's an English teacher so he won't think your icanhazcheezburgering is cute.
Girl: But I loves you
Boy: I am serious!

Teacher: Can anyone think of a verb that ends in the letter z?
Student: Haz
Teacher: Can anyone think of a verb that hasn't been icanhazcheesburgered that ends with the letter z?

Ex: I needz you now. Why you no loves me anymore?
Enlgish Major: You had me at your proper use of the subjunctive, but you lost me with all your icanhazcheesburgering! - well I have an account with but how many out there get sidetrack while attempting to sign into your account because you were either looking for a certain word on the side, or because you got caught up in playing catch up with the 'word of the days' ? lol *raises hand*


~Dethkira on

Andy Biersack Quotes by ~Dethkira on - i think i need to set up a new one or whatever.. just really was not feeling my last account  because I don't know why!! Just because, I guess!  


6/27/15. good morning you guys!!! um, Good mORNING to all of you people, womens, boys and to all the guys!! k, cool! Stay fresh, and stay true! Always gotta keep it fresh my people! lol...
h)  für die community  (translated as for the community - in German)

P1: I am from Austria from the 17 district and you
                                         P2: Hey you're German! Highfive am from Austria. Upper Austria. 
 A horse is still a horse unless of course it is blue, then maybe that horse is never a horse at all. 
Morning Tumblr Weekend Edition ..
Dear Diary,
Still today as it was then:
A horse is still a horse unless of course it is blue, then maybe that horse is never a horse at all.  He was like the Jack Daniels of the industry since everything else we hear on mainstream radio is basically watered down much to much. This absolute thing that is supposed to be about life and mean something, I think everybody has been in that position one breath at a time, one second at a time, one moment at a time, etc…
I do not even know if anybody is even paying attention yet. Sure, I was a bit hardheaded back then but who wasn’t also back when they were young? Just years of grief, but it is very therapeutic to just go through it so you can physically see it for yourself and stuff. I don’t know the cross can mean something for us all, just as there are tons of white crosses littered all over the sides of our streets to remember our loved ones who have died, pasted away, or have moved on.
Dammit, I need a vacation! I do  believe you do what you love and you never will work a day in your life though! Now that I do believe I do not do this for self-vanity. I do it all for the heart of a higher place now that I fully understand that Heaven is going to be a place where I will finally be able to have everything that I damn well want! Because tonight there is no guilt, there is just pleasure! -6/27/2015-
 current situation is doing creepypasta during car talk time ... lol... omg why???????? Saturday morning 6/27/15.
‘the caramelized sugar theory and its effects on CO3’ is being discussed (lol) due to this guy complaining about not understanding how to get the stains from off of his leather interior!! He should need to go find a detailer since they are probably used to kids spilling stuff all of the time and that ought to be an okay thing right there! lol... 

Emily Insane

  • The Land Of Ooo ;P
Music is my life and I love nice people :3 --- well, i like this person!! For the Umpteenth freaking time! So i THINK i am just going to leave this here then! lol.. She the one who would be a really cool ass bestie but how am I going to have her do that when she hates me to my face on the daily? Sigh. She is the reason... 

Dear Emily, 

My mom has been having stress from normal life and also with the death that has happened within my family for right now. He was one of my favorite uncles who had been blessed with a son, but he wanted a daughter. So my cousin and him didn't really have a very son and father relationship (more on that later.) Anyway, he tells me he hated me cause he always would send me lots of things, cards, check up on me, and personally now that I think on it..I am thinking maybe he might have been jealous of my dad o.o .. but whatever cause my dad wanted a son, and so he would always send positive vibes to my cousin and they have a close knit relationship where he will ask my dad for advice and my dad will help him out. Now with me, it is getting better, but it is like pulling teeth to get him to do stuff with me but he does a LOT more though and I think it is cause of the in-house therapy he receives now. He even will play with me sometimes without bullying me as much, but he still do bully me just not as much or as bad or rough. Anyway, this stupid family dispute going on and my mom wanted me to check to see if the medication she was taking was habit forming or whatever. She has me do that a lot though. cause one time she thought something was wrong with the veins in her legs, or that something was wrong with her heart, or even if she want me to look up some things for her program or whatever. Why am I telling you this? Great question. I just am telling you this because even as crazy as I am, don't be thinking I am planning on harming nobody or myself, or no animals. My mom had an appointment yesterday and was prescribed them and well like I have always told you before: my mom is just not one for pills. She thinks pills are a fallacy and a trap to steal life away from you. So she just wanted to know a little more than what was given to her on those like information drug sheets that they give you when you pick up your package of meds. at the pharmacy and what have you.

Love always, 

Your Homie-"G,"

Micah "the half-husky" KING Kush! 6/27/15 - Saturday - is it blues time or what??

Friday, June 26, 2015


Yes Andy Biersack - "Without someone telling you what you’re doing is wrong, you can’t say what you’re doing is right." 6/26/15. #tgifriday

Well this quote takes me all over the place. I am also not sure I am even aware of the problem, quite honestly. This to me is also like a practical type of what "youth" in and of itself could be considered as. However, if you always have someone telling you what is wrong and what is right and you are always following exactly whatever the hell that they say and never making up your mind about anything, then today in the 21rst century we would never have eaten our first chocolate chip cookie nor even have gone near those sticky-sticky things to make our velcro.

You will have the most confusing and eccentric people going all out and really not caring what anyone else "considers" as right... and well I guess that is why I think I like this kid.


I don't care.
I'll go find something to do now.

It won't work.
Nothing works now.

It's busted.

 Earl Of Chesterfield quotes 

 Ashleigh Brilliant quotes 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


So either Twitter can help me the best way they can, or I start looking for another console. You've destroyed a lot of my stuff. There's nothing I can do to repair all the destruction you have done within the last 24 hours. Right out damn ridiculous.

I don't really care anymore. Right now as I type this out you are still infecting stuff on my computer. Everything has been destroyed, but do you think she cares?
Yes, I did say some very harsh and mean words.
I never said who she was or directed it to anyone on there.
No one would know anything.
I only vented.
But yes, this is fair.
I deserve this.
well I cannot login.
This is my punishment now.
Fine then.
I will not try to login anymore.
There's no point.
It is what it is.

I've learned to keep my mouth shut.
I have no rights here.
I should have been doing what I was supposed to be doing.
This is all of my fault, and I accept full responsibility.

-Adam from Ottawa, Canada wrote inside of his blog-  6/24/15. #wanderlustwednesday

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Random Thoughts about the Night Shift documentary.

All I fucking know is that I am not letting any of my fucking family members be working no night shift and I do not care even if they are males! People just think they can do anything to you on there and then they are family members so you know their asses are gonna stay with one another. Then when you are stuck there alone and have made them mad, they will push people in the many spots that these big ass companies have no cameras there. It's mostly women because they need the job so basically they just have to lay there and take it. What other choice do they have? There is no other income coming in, and they have to take care of their kids. So, if they just shut up and well, make a rationality for their supervisors being able to fondle them whenever the hell they want to and wherever then everything will be fine. Because if they do this when they get slamed on the floor, they won't have to deal with even more humiliation of screaming and crying as they get train raped in the dark at midnight. No one is going to hear them scream or cry. They look at them like they are a piece of trash, or even nothing more than something to have fun with on the side who is even under being called a mistress. They are nothing that they would even tell their buddies about. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I fucking hate that story!! I wish it was fucking fiction! The women had to tell their story without any cover-ups of their identity. I cannot really get mad at the others (both men and women) on the night shift either because they were getting abused too. The females got sexually abused over and over again... oh my fucking god that shit would drive me crazy and the men were getting damn psychologically fucked with and were forced to have sex with them, bullied not to tell, made to watch as the women were getting fucked with!! The guys and the females had to obey they were immigrants. Their supervisors knew nobody would even hear their cries.

No. this really is not about me. Just whoever looks at that documentary it just makes you want to scream!

No they could not band together to stop them otherwise it would have been very bad for them. I'm leaving out the link, but anyone reading this can go to: Night Shift Rapes on Google and there are a few articles there. I am not putting the one I used up on here because it makes me feel bad inside and because I do not even know if I am even human anymore! Shit!


 6/23/15. #tuesdayMotivation/tuesdayinspiration
"Dr. Zimmerman's TUESDAY TIP:"

Who’s Right and Who’s Wrong?

Right and Wrong

"The next time you see someone making a mistake, don’t attack the other person.  And the next time you screw up, don't try to cover it up or lie about it.  Remember, two wrongs don't make a right"

If you’ve got two or more kids, or two or more co-workers for that matter, you’ve heard someone say, “He started it … It’s all her fault … She always … and … He never …” Words of blame and shame.  

And those words will get nowhere in your relationships.  

The “who” question leads to finger pointing and defensiveness.  Not problem solving.

Forget the “who” question and focus on the “how” question.  How are you going to deal with the other person?

You’ve got two choices.  One is to confront the other person.  The other is to confront yourself.

How to properly confront the other person

Of course, “how” you confront the other person is vitally important. Do it wrong and you will regret it.  

So I suggest you ask yourself three questions before you open your mouth and share your negative feedback.  If you can answer "yes" to all three questions, go ahead; make your comments. But if you answer "no" to any of the questions, shut up.  Don't say anything.

The first question to ask yourself is, "IS IT TRUE?"  In other words, what you are about to relay is not hunch, rumor, guess, or gossip.  You have the evidence; you know your comment is absolutely true.

Second, ask yourself, "IS IT NECESSARY?"  Sometimes people need to know their behavior is ineffective or inappropriate.  So talk to them, not about them.  At other times, your comment would not serve any useful purpose; so let it pass.

Finally, ask yourself, "IS IT KIND?"  You may be upset with someone else, but you don't have to make your comment in a disrespectful manner.  You may want additional business with a particular customer, but you shouldn't deceitfully flatter the customer to make the sale.  It's not kind.

(For a powerful communication program that will help you in work relationships, check out my new program, The Power of Partnership:  7 Skills for Better Relationships and Greater Teamwork.)

Of course, there will be times when you realize you messed up in some way.  You’re the one who’s wrong.  In that case, you should take...

"CHOICE #2 -
How to properly confront yourself"

"Here's what you should do."  

"First, ADMIT YOUR MISTAKE.  In fact, the best way to prevent a customer or coworker complaint, or the best way to minimize the damage is to admit your mistake before he/she brings it up. That step alone will develop a sense of good will and trust between the two of you."

"Second, TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.  Even if your team or business unit made the mistake, the customer in front of you, the colleagues around you, or the boss above you doesn't want to hear excuses or explanations.  All they care about is what you are going to do about it."

"Third, MOVE QUICKLY.  When a hotel loses a customer's reservation or an airline loses a customer's luggage, when such problems occur, there is a brief moment during which a front-line employee can turn a bad situation into a memorable one.  If you act willingly and quickly to correct the mistake, the disgruntled customer often walks away with renewed faith in your company.  If you don't move quickly, your company may never get a second chance with that customer."

"Fourth, INVESTIGATE AND INSTIGATE.  Simple mistakes don't always have simple causes.  There may be a problem in the system that caused the difficulty.  Investigate.  Find the cause.  Maybe there was a lack of understanding on someone’s part, maybe a lack of training, or even a lack of motivation behind the mistake.  If you don't find the cause and instigate some corrective action, you'll be repeating steps one and two over and over. "

"The next time you see someone making a mistake, don’t attack the other person.  And the next time you screw up, don't try to cover it up or lie about it.  Remember, two wrongs don't make a right. Instead, do a couple of things I've suggested above, because two rights can sometimes right a wrong."
Location: Google +
User Name
Curtis Nielsen
Attended University of Northern Iowa
Lives in Cedar Falls, Iowa

Transformation Tuesday morning pages for: 6/23/15

6/23/ This is for #TuesdayTransformation today cause I really do plan on changing. 

 We were doing fine!: DAY 2 of Summer Solstise:

            I am not going to blame my feelings nor my emotions getting the best of me.She's right, but she has to admit though.. that for two people who "supposedly" hate each other (and I say this because I know I could never hate her) we at least know each other 'in a way.'She is true again, I embarrassingly admit, because if I truly had been doing what I was supposed to be doing for right now; I could have at least got her to talk to me more.She was right, I am a hypocrite, a loser, double-faced and also a lie.I too would laugh at someone who was acting in this incorrect manner because they were the biggest joke who truly had ever walked the foot of this earth before.

                        I have to kick myself for being the natural idiot that I am because my words have NEVER matched the actions that I continually promise to show her. My 'bark' (or in that case- my 'meow' ) is a lot louder than most due to the fact of how fake I really am, therefore it helps me compensate to utilize my non-nonsensical babble  to only 'appear' to be what I know I am not (well, at least for now that is). Even though she doesn't discuss anything about herself to me. and rightfully has the right to be mad as hell at me right now; she is the realest person I have ever met (I am freaking serious right now too), but I know deep down in my heart she knows I am real too but that I am clearly not being that with her yet. Honestly, I have no idea in the world how she can even stand being around me! Yes, I am annoyingly crazy as hell, so no I will not ever get mad at her and it is only because she is telling the truth. 

                           Now I could see it, if she was telling me a fake story and was lying to my face because if she had been then I would have never messed with her in the first place. She knows why I am here, and plus she has like this sort of "mom-intuition" about herself to where it is hard to explain but she be like very psychic and will know all of my kiddish games and stuff. Also, I think she like a P.I. cause like I can see her nailing some people who need and deserve it; myself included. I mean, no I am not a abuser but I need to focus on the word choices I use with her and also with others. She right again, I am very stubborn and lazy, but I have been getting a bit better with my persistent nature in maintaining my daily responsibilities, coordinating performances in drama and in my music, setting up a workable plan to get some of this weight off of my fat self, etc. but even she know (as well as I do now) that is nothing because all it really had came from was through being sober and learning about science, the world, and other spiritual movements, etc.

                        However, I am ARIES lol, and we are fighters for what is right and she's a LEO so that is why she really will tell you everything that is on her mind but she is honest with it (what more can anyone demand from her because she is who she is though?!) Whatever, even through our most recent (I like to call it because it's true) "battle we're in right now cause right now she is about to rip out my guts and hair right now"I come back on here cause I like her; yes, she may sue me and I would still come back to her! I really just lie being around her, and plus cause LEO is the center of attention always, they always dress/act appropriately, as well as trendy; she's a social butterfly, and that's what I like. I intend to change my words with her because I had read somewhere too that out of a man's mouth (or in this case,  a woman's mouth) is truly what he/she is feeling inside of their heart. Yes, I have thrown those three little words: "I love you"  forever with her now, but I know deep down that I do really do like her though more than just an 'idea or a concept). All I wanted from her really was just her friendship because as naive and still crazy as hell I just like her cause she is hip and she stays in style. This time around maybe I can actualy show her that I would like just a friendship with her so we can laugh and pick on each other again!

Signing off: Kush and wisdom, morning pages for right now