1. If I lived in a pokemon world....this would be me. XD This is me right now, frankly. Too. Many. Eevees.
2. Pokemon - Eevee Evolution Charms3. Crossovers are allowed if it is with a Nintendo franchise or third party franchise with relation to Nintendo (Mario, Zelda, Kirby, etc...)
4. pikachu would be in eevulutions, which I agree is weird, but still... lol
5. All Pokemon Fusions MUST have original artwork included.
-Every two fusion posts in a row will be removed (in the entire community, not by the author)It may take up to 24 hours for someone to respond.
6. Be Pokemon or Nintendo related. Nothing else can be allowed.
7. What would the Pokemon series be like...
i feel ur pain pika! lol Hang in there, my friend!
8. LOOOOL - well since Pokemon is not real and is a escape fantasy world
for us all, I wouldn’t necessarily age them like things would age
themselves irl. However, the thing of it is, it would be like dumb to
have them always be too young or even grow even younger and never
showing any change or going anywhere. But, having them get old as hell
doesn’t much help out much either. omfg, dies... no what I really mean
is, to avoid this sort of a transition to happen something will have to
be put there to keep shit constant otherwise things can either increase
or digress to a point of my lack of control of what would be going on
inside of the world though! That is just I think ANOTHER point of the
matter that has recently just hit me too rn! 7-4-15
9. So... Many... Eevees... And an umbreon... lol... thoughts to consider STILL! However, I am just still thinking out loud like
ed sheeran sang in his song that is a favorite of mine obviously, lol.
Only, I am not singing here obviously either well cause these are
basically only my mere thoughts here! lol.. XD so yeah...
-Every two fusion posts in a row will be removed (in the entire community, not by the author)It may take up to 24 hours for someone to respond.
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